Package: kwb.utils 0.15.0

Hauke Sonnenberg

kwb.utils: General Utility Functions Developed at KWB

This package contains some small helper functions that aim at improving the quality of code developed at Kompetenzzentrum Wasser gGmbH (KWB).

Authors:Hauke Sonnenberg [aut, cre], Michael Rustler [ctb], Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH [cph]

kwb.utils.pdf |kwb.utils.html
kwb.utils/json (API)

# Install 'kwb.utils' in R:
install.packages('kwb.utils', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:


303 exports 7 stars 5.65 score 0 dependencies 76 dependents 9 scripts

Last updated 6 months agofrom:4415aa211e. Checks:OK: 3 ERROR: 1 NOTE: 3. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 25 2024
R-4.5-winNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORAug 25 2024
R-4.4-winNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.4-macNOTEAug 25 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 25 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 25 2024



Array/Matrix Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_array.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Calling Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_call.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2022-06-04
Started: 2018-12-02

Check Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_check.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-01

Conversion Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_conversion.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-01

Cryptographic Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_crypto.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Debug Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_debug.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2020-07-31
Started: 2018-12-02

Functions Returning Logical

Rendered fromfunctions_logical.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-01

Functions Working on Data Frames

Rendered fromfunctions_data_frame.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-01

Functions Working on Lists

Rendered fromfunctions_list.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

General Object Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_object.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-01

Grammar/Dictionary Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_dictionary.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Input and Output Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_in_out.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2020-07-31
Started: 2018-12-02

Mathematical or Statistical Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_stats.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Non-Categorised Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_ungrouped.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Operating System Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_system.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02


Rendered fromoverview.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Shortcut Functions to if-statements

Rendered fromfunctions_if.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2020-07-31
Started: 2018-12-02

String Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_string.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2020-07-31
Started: 2018-12-01

Vector Functions

Rendered fromfunctions_vector.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 25 2024.

Last update: 2018-12-02
Started: 2018-12-02

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Write Log Message to Console.log
Write Log Message and New Line Character to Console.logline
Write "ok" and New Line Character to Console.logok
Write Log Message to Console if in Debugging Mode.logstart
see tools:::.OStype.OStype
Add a Class to an ObjectaddClass
Add a Row with a NameaddRowWithName
Add Suffix to Column NamesaddSuffixToColumns
are all elements in x the same?allAreEqual
Are all list elements identical to each other?allAreIdentical
Compare Numerical Vectors with TolerancealmostEqual
Append Suffix to (Selected) Character ValuesappendSuffix
Merge Argument Lists or Argumentsarglist
Language Abbreviation to "sep" and "dec" argumentargsCsv
Convert Array to Data FramearrayToDataFrame
Matrix to List of Matrix ColumnsasColumnList
Convert to Data Frame without FactorsasNoFactorDataFrame
Matrix to List of Matrix RowsasRowList
Make Sure that Strings End With SlashassertFinalSlash
Assert Row and Column Names of a MatrixassertRowsAndColumns
Call assign for each List ElementassignAll
Assign Argument Default Values in the Global EnvironmentassignArgumentDefaults
Assign Package Functions to the Global EnvironmentassignObjects
Assign all Package Objects to the Global EnvironmentassignPackageObjects
At least one row in data frameatLeastOneRowIn
String of n Backspacesbackspace
Find "Breaks" in a Sequence of NumbersbreakInSequence
Call a Function with Given ArgumentscallWith
Call a Function with Argument Combinations from a Data FramecallWithData
Call a Function with Option "stringsAsFactors" set temporarilycallWithStringsAsFactors
Print Debug Messages Before and After Running CodecatAndRun
Print Differences Between Two VectorscatChanges
Print Differences Between Two Vectors if Condition is MetcatChangesIf
Return Warning Message in AttributecatchWarning
Call cat If Condition Is MetcatIf
Print Character Vector to the ConsolecatLines
Print New Line Character to the Console if Condition is MetcatNewLineIf
Check for Column ExistencecheckForMissingColumns
Clear the R ConsoleclearConsole
Remove Leading/Trailing Empty Rows/Columns from MatrixclipMatrix
Path in Quotes for Usage in Command LinecmdLinePath
Shortcut to paste(x, collapse = collapse)collapsed
Columnwise MaximacolMaxima
Columnwise MinimacolMinima
Columnwise Number of NAcolNaNumbers
Apply Function to All ColumnscolStatisticOneFunction
Column StatisticscolStatistics
Column DescriptorcolumnDescriptor
Convert Column in Data Frame To DatecolumnToDate
Columnwise PercentagecolumnwisePercentage
Combine Two Vectors AlternatinglycombineAlternatingly
Paste With Collapse = ","commaCollapsed
Common Names in two Objects with Names AttributecommonNames
Compare two data frames by columnscompareDataFrames
Compare the values in two vectorscompareSets
Check for nul String in FilecontainsNulString
Modify the format of a CSV fileconvertCsvFile
Copy Attributes Between Two ObjectscopyAttributes
Copy Directory StructurecopyDirectoryStructure
Copy List Elements into a List of ListscopyListElements
Count NA in one Column of a Data FramecountNaInColumn
Count or Sum Up Values Within Groups of rowscountOrSum
Create Function to Safely Access Data Frame Columns or List ElementscreateAccessor
Create a Directory including required "upward" FolderscreateDirAndReturnPath
Create DirectoriescreateDirectories
Create Directory if it does not existcreateDirectory
Create Function to Provide Package Objects in Global EnvironmentcreateFunctionAssignObjects
Create Function to Compose Path in PackagecreateFunctionExtdataFile
Create Unique Identifiers along Input VectorcreateIdAlong
Matrix with Row and Column NamescreateMatrix
Create a File Storing a Password in Encrypted FormcreatePasswordFile
Create Storage Object to Save/Load .rds or .RData filescreateStorage
CSV Text to Data FramecsvTextToDataFrame
Decode a Vector of Characterdecode
Return a Default Value for Values Meeting a ConditiondefaultIf
Default Value if Object is NAdefaultIfNA
Default Value if Object is NULLdefaultIfNULL
Default Value if Object is 0 (zero)defaultIfZero
Default Factor LevelsdefaultLevels
Default Windows Program FoldersdefaultWindowsProgramFolders
Path to Your Desktopdesktop
Differences between Matrix Rowsdiffrows
Width and Height of a DIN A4 PaperDIN.A4
Safe Version of Base Function dirname()directoryName
Drop Array Dimension(s) of Length OnedropDim
Drop Unused Factor Levels in all Factor ColumnsdropUnusedFactorLevels
Encode a Vector of Characterencode
Enlarge a Vector to Given LengthenlargeVector
Exclude all NULL Entries from a ListexcludeNULL
Wrapper around expand.gridexpandGrid
Path to File in Installed PackageextdataFile
Extend the Limits of a Range VectorextendLimits
Extract Row Ranges by PatternextractRowRanges
Extract Substrings Defined by Regular ExpressionsextractSubstring
Get Extension of Full File PathsfileExtension
Find Value Changes in a VectorfindChanges
Find Paritally Duplicated Rows in a Data FramefindPartialDuplicates
Close Device and Open PDF File in ViewerfinishAndShowPdf
Finish and Display PDF File if Condition is MetfinishAndShowPdfIf
First ElementfirstElement
data/time column of data framefirstPosixColumn
French Unicode Letter to ASCII Letter(s)frenchToAscii
Number of value occurrences in columnsfrequencyTable
Windows-Compatible Expanded File PathfullWinPath
Sort a Data Frame by all of its ColumnsfullySorted
Generate a Decryption Key FilegenerateKeyFile
Get File Path of User's Home Directoryget_homedir
Safely get the Attribute of an ObjectgetAttribute
Get Vector Elements by Positive or Negative IndexgetByPositiveOrNegativeIndex
Get the Lenghts of List ElementsgetElementLengths
Get even Numbers out of a Vector of IntegersgetEvenNumbers
Function Value or Default if NAgetFunctionValueOrDefault
Localise Keywords in Data FramegetKeywordPositions
Get List Element in Nested List Structure by PathgetListNode
Deprecated. Use 'listObjects' instead.getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles
Deprecated. Please use 'loadObject' instead.getObjectFromRDataFile
Get odd Numbers out of a Vector of IntegersgetOddNumbers
Get Encrypted Password from File Using KeygetPassword
Get Paths and String Values from Recursive ListgetPathsAndValuesFromRecursiveList
Find <tag>-tags in stringgetTagNames
Guess Column Separator Used in FileguessSeparator
Guess Column Separator (Version 1)guessSeparator.1
Guess Column Separator (Version 2)guessSeparator.2
Does a String End with Slash?hasFinalSlash
Does an Object Have a Length of Zero?hasZeroLength
Print First and Last Rows of a Data Frameheadtail
Add missing Columns to a Data FramehsAddMissingCols
Character to NumerichsChrToNum
Count Pattern in StringhsCountInStr
Delete empty Columns of Data FramehsDelEmptyCols
Convert "Matrix Form" (wide format) to "List Form" (long format)hsMatrixToListForm
Moving MeanhsMovingMean
Open Windows ExplorerhsOpenWindowsExplorer
Prepare Writing of PDF FilehsPrepPdf
Quote Character StringshsQuoteChr
Rename Columns in a Data Frame (deprecated)hsRenameColumns
Resolve Placeholders in DictionaryhsResolve
Restore Object AttributeshsRestoreAttributes
Non-existing desired namehsSafeName
Wrapper around "shell"hsShell
Open PDF file in PDF viewerhsShowPdf
Convert String to DatehsStringToDate
Convert String to DoublehsStringToDouble
Deprecated. Use 'substSpecialChars' instead.hsSubstSpecChars
Wrapper around "system"hsSystem
Remove Leading and Trailing SpaceshsTrim
Value in Correct English/German Notation?hsValidValue
Indentat a String (Add Spaces to the Left)indent
check for values within minimum and maximum valueinRange
Insert new Column(s) into a Data FrameinsertColumns
Convert Integers to Numeral SystemintToNumeralSystem
Are List Elements Unnamed?is.unnamed
Do Strings Consist only of ASCII Characters?isASCII
Does a string end with one or two dots (".", "..")?isDotOrDoubleDot
Check for Even NumbersisEvenNumber
Has a Script Been Loaded (with source)?isLoaded
NA or the empty string ""?isNaOrEmpty
Does the Path Represent a Network Path?isNetworkPath
Check for Odd NumbersisOddNumber
Does an Object Inherit from "try-error"?isTryError
Last ElementlastElement
Left Part of a Stringleft
Is Left Substring of X Equal To Y?leftSubstringEquals
Limit Values to IntervallimitToRange
Linear Combination of a MatrixlinearCombination
Get Names of Objects in .RData fileslistObjects
List Elements Recursively up to DepthlistToDepth
Load Functions from Scripts into Attached NamespaceloadFunctions
Load R object from .RData fileloadObject
Main Class of an ObjectmainClass
Make Duplicated Character Strings Unique adds ".1", ".2", etc. to duplicate valuesmakeUnique
Do Data Frame Row Match Given Criteria?matchesCriteria
Convert a Matrix to a Data Frame (in "Long" Format)matrixToDataFrame
Maximum String Length in Vector of CharactermaxStringLength
Merge Multiple Data FramesmergeAll
Merge Lists Overriding Elements of the Same NamemergeLists
Merge List of Named ArraysmergeNamedArrays
Move Columns to the LeftmoveColumnsToFront
Move elements to the start of a vectormoveToFront
Message Listing Available FieldsmsgAvailableFields
Lookup by Matching Values in Multiple ColumnsmultiColumnLookup
Multiple SubstitutionsmultiSubstitute
Elapsed Time of a Function CallmySystemTime
Name List Elements by Sublist ElementnameByElement
Create Named Vector from two Columns of a Data FramenamedVectorFromColumns
Convert a Named Vector to a Data FramenamedVectorToDataFrame
Replace NA With "Last" non-NAnaToLastNonNa
Number of NA valuesnNA
Create Data Frame without FactorsnoFactorDataFrame
Message on Missing ElementsnoSuchElements
Number of Unique ValuesnUnique
Object Size and Sizes of Sub Structures in MbobjectSize
Convert R Object to Text RepresentationobjectToText
Order a Data Frame by One or more ColumnsorderBy
Order Data Frame Decreasingly by one ColumnorderDecreasinglyBy
Reorder Strings So That Matching Strings are Neighbourspairwise
Merge two Vectors selecting non-NA ValuesparallelNonNA
Paste Columns of Data Frame With SeparatorpasteColumns
Paste Columns of Data Frame Without SeparatorpasteColumns0
Percentage of MaximumpercentageOfMaximum
Percentage of the Sum of ValuespercentageOfSum
Indices of POSIX columns in a Data FrameposixColumnAtPosition
Open PDF Device with DIN A4 Dimensions by DefaultpreparePdf
Prepare PDF File if Condition is MetpreparePdfIf
Print Method for Object of Class "repro_sample"print.repro_sample
Different Sets of Printable ASCII Charactersprintable_chars
Call Print If Condition Is MetprintIf
Create a Matrix with Random Integer ValuesrandomMatrix
Vector of random Integer Values of given SumrandomValuesWithSum
Create Sequence from RangerangeToSequence
rbind all data frames given in a listrbindAll
Read Argument Lists from CSV FilereadArglists
Read CSV File Giving Column DescriptionsreadCsvInputFile
Read Dictionary Files into a List of DictionariesreadDictionaries
Read Dictionary from Text FilereadDictionary
Read Lines by Giving the File EncodingreadLinesWithEncoding
Read File from Package's extdata FolderreadPackageFile
names of all sublists of a listrecursiveNames
"Recycle" Vector to given Lengthrecycle
Relative Cumulated SumrelativeCumulatedSum
Remove all or selected Attributes of an ObjectremoveAttributes
Remove Columns from a Data FrameremoveColumns
Remove Duplicated Values from a VectorremoveDuplicates
Remove Elements from a ListremoveElements
Remove Empty Elements from VectorremoveEmpty
Remove Empty Elements from Vector of CharacterremoveEmpty2
Remove empty Columns from a Data FrameremoveEmptyColumns
Remove File Name ExtensionremoveExtension
Remove Leading Slashes of StringsremoveLeadingSlashes
Remove all Spaces in String(s)removeSpaces
Rename and Select Columns of a Data FramerenameAndSelect
Rename Columns in a Data FramerenameColumns
Repeated Substringrepeated
Replace File Name ExtensionreplaceFileExtension
Reproducible Call to the Sample FunctionreproducibleSample
Reset row names to 1:nresetRowNames
Resolve String(s) Using a Dictionaryresolve
Resolve all Placeholders in a DictionaryresolveAll
Revert List AssignmentsrevertListAssignments
Right Part of a Stringright
Round Columns to given Number of DigitsroundColumns
Rowwise or Columnwise PercentagerowOrColumnwisePercentage
Rowwise PercentagerowwisePercentage
R compatible file pathrStylePath
Run a Batch File in a given DirectoryrunBatchfileInDirectory
Change Working Directory and Run FunctionrunInDirectory
"Safe" version of cbind.safeColumnBind
Merge By Checking Column ExistencesafeMerge
Stop if Path does not ExistsafePath
"safe" rbindsafeRowBind
"safe" rbind of all data frames in a listsafeRowBindAll
row-bind data frames in a list of listssafeRowBindOfListElements
Select Columns from a Data FrameselectColumns
Select (and Rename) Elements from ListselectElements
Set the column(s) of a data framesetColumns
Set the "loaded" Status for a ScriptsetLoaded
Set Matrix Columns to ValuessetMatrixColumns
Shorten Strings to a Maximum Lengthshorten
Show Names of Objects/Functions in a PackageshowPackageObjects
Load R Scripts with 'source'sourceScripts
Space String Used for Indentationspace
Split Array Along a DimensionsplitAlongDim
Split into Blocks of Same SizesplitIntoFixSizedBlocks
Split Text at End of Line Characters Into LinessplitIntoLines
Helper Function: Start Indices to End IndicesstartsToEnds
Row Numbers of Start Rows to From/To Row RangesstartsToRanges
Stop Function Exectution With Formatted MessagestopFormatted
Stop with a Message if Input is not a MatrixstopIfNotMatrix
String of Comma Separated Quoted StringsstringList
Convert String to ExpressionstringToExpression
Find and Extract Regular Expressions from StringssubExpressionMatches
Substitution of Special CharacterssubstSpecialChars
Lookup Value for Key in TabletableLookup
Create and Return Path to Subdirectory in tempdir()tempSubdirectory
Convert Text Representation Back to R ObjecttextToObject
Convert Function to Function that is Called if Condition is MettoConditional
Convert to Factor with unique Values as LevelstoFactor
Create Formula from Left and Right Term StringstoFormula
Convert Centimeters to InchestoInches
Key Value String to List of Keys and ValuestoKeysAndValues
Keys and Values to Lookup StructuretoLookupClass
Keys and Values to Lookup ListtoLookupList
Keys and Values or List to Lookup TabletoLookupTable
Convert to List with Names Equal to List ElementstoNamedList
Let Expressions Plot into a PDF FiletoPdf
Negative Indices to Positive IndicestoPositiveIndices
Replace underscore with percent signunderscoreToPercent
Unique Directory NamesuniqueDirnames
Invert the Merging of two Data Framesunmerge
Name of the Current Useruser
Create Warning About a Deprecated FunctionwarningDeprecated
convert to MS Windows-compatible pathwindowsPath
Write a Dictionary (List) to a Text FilewriteDictionary
Write Text Lines to a FilewriteText