--- title: "Workflow: Beijing" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Workflow: Beijing} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Workflow ```{r workflow, eval = FALSE} ### prerequisites (64bit R) if(Sys.getenv("R_ARCH") != "/x64") { stop("Spatial operations need a lot of RAM. Use of 64bit R is required. Workflow in RStudio: 1. Go to 'Tools' (top pane) 2. Select 'Global Options' 3. Select 'General' 4. Under 'R Sessions' select 'Change' 5. Select 'Use the machine`s default R version of R64 (64-bit)' 6. Close all R Studio sessions 7. Restart R Studio" ) } else { path_list <- list( root_path = "C:/kwb/projects/keys/Data-Work packages", site = "Beijing", data = "WP2_SUW_pollution_", abimo = "//_DataAnalysis/abimo", abimo_inp_shp = "/abimo_.shp", abimo_inp_dbf = "/abimo_.dbf", abimo_out = "abimo_out.dbf", abimo_berlin = "/abimo_2019_mitstrassen.dbf", abimo_scenarios = "/scenarios/de-coupling", abimo_config_original = "/config_original.xml", abimo_config_modified = "/config.xml", abimo_exe = "/Abimo3_2.exe", gis = "//_DataAnalysis/gis", climate = "//_DataAnalysis/climate", emissions_input = "//_DataAnalysis/emissions/input/annual_mean_conc.csv", emissions_output = "//_DataAnalysis/emissions/output" ) paths <- kwb.utils::resolve(path_list) # load shapefile containing subcatchments ('blockteilflächen') abimo_org <- raster::shapefile(file.path(paths$gis, 'input_subareas.shp')) # make abimo 'CODE' column abimo_org@data$CODE <- paste(abimo_org@data$Name, abimo_org@data$Outlet, sep='_') # pad CODE with zeroes to match output of ABIMO abimo_org@data$CODE <- urbanAnnualRunoff::padCODE(abimo_org@data$CODE) # build classification model kwb.ml::buildClassMod( rawdir = paths$gis, image = 'input_image.tif', groundTruth = 'input_groundtruth2.shp', groundTruthValues = list('roof' = 1, 'street' = 2, 'pervious' = 3, 'shadow' = 4, 'water' = 5), spectrSigName = 'spectrSig.Rdata', modelName = 'rForest.Rdata', overlayExists = FALSE, nCores = parallel::detectCores() - 1, mtryGrd = 1:3, ntreeGrd=seq(80, 150, by=10), nfolds = 3, nodesize = 3, cvrepeats = 2) # check model performance load(file.path(paths$gis,"rForest.Rdata")) caret::confusionMatrix(data = model$finalModel$predicted, reference = model$trainingData$.outcome, mode = 'prec_recall') # classify image for roofs and streets kwb.ml::predictSurfClass(rawdir = paths$gis, modelName = 'rForest.Rdata', image = 'input_image.tif', predName = 'classified_image.tif') # make overlay object (list where each element is a vector of the pixel values # of the classified image for each subcatchment) urbanAnnualRunoff::makeOverlay(rawdir = paths$gis, rasterData = 'classified_image.tif', subcatchmSPobject = abimo_org, overlayName = 'surfType') # compute ABIMO variable STR_FLGES (m2 street area) abimo_org@data$STR_FLGES <- urbanAnnualRunoff::makeSTR_FLGES( rawdir = paths$gis, subcatchmSPobject = abimo_org, mask = 'input_mask.shp', rasterData = 'classified_image.tif', overlayName = 'surfType', targetValue = 2, add_streets_outside_subcatchments = FALSE ) # make ABIMO variable FLGES abimo_org@data$FLGES <- urbanAnnualRunoff::makeFLGES(subcatchmSPobject = abimo_org) - abimo_org@data$STR_FLGES # compute ABIMO variable VG (% soil sealing) abimo_org@data$VG <- urbanAnnualRunoff::makeVG(rawdir = paths$gis, subcatchmSPobject = abimo_org, rasterData = 'input_impervious.tif', targetValue = 80) # compute ABIMO variable PROBAU (%roof) abimo_org@data$PROBAU <- urbanAnnualRunoff::makePROBAU( rawdir = paths$gis, rasterData = 'classified_image.tif', overlayName = 'surfType', targetValue = 1) ### fix previously wrong calculated area shares (PROBAU, PROVGU, STR_FLGES) abimo <- urbanAnnualRunoff::fix_abimo_shares(abimo_org) ## Decoupling from SWMM modelling: ## https://kwb-r.github.io/keys.lid/articles/scenarios.html#green-roof ## # 100 % green-roof: with_berm_intensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-1*(90.42-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-1_high # 50 % green-roof: with_berm_intensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-0.5*(90.42-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-1_medium # 25 % green-roof: with_berm_intensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-0.25*(90.42-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-1_low # 100 % green-roof: with_berm_extensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-1*(72.6-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-2_high # 50 % green-roof: with_berm_extensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-0.5*(72.6-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-2_medium # 25 % green-roof: with_berm_extensive_no-drainmat #abimo@data$PROBAU <- (1-0.25*(72.6-15.2)/100)*abimo@data$PROBAU # combi-2_low ## Decoupling from SWMM modelling: ## https://kwb-r.github.io/keys.lid/articles/scenarios.html#permeable-pavements ## # 100 % permeable pavements: 180mm.per.hour_no-drainage #abimo@data$PROVGU <- (1-100*(0.572-0.152)/50)*abimo@data$PROVGU # combi_high # 50 % permeable pavements: 180mm.per.hour_no-drainage #abimo@data$PROVGU <- (1-50*(0.572-0.152)/50)*abimo@data$PROVGU # combi_medium # 25 % permeable pavements: 180mm.per.hour_no-drainage #abimo@data$PROVGU <- (1-25*(0.572-0.152)/50)*abimo@data$PROVGU # combi_low # 10 % permeable pavements: 180mm.per.hour_no-drainage #abimo@data$PROVGU <- (1-10*(0.572-0.152)/50)*abimo@data$PROVGU # use raw code to compute and assign remaining ABIMO variables manually ### use Berlin Abimo data (for 'Blockteilflaechen' connected to channelisation ### to imrpove default parameterisation for 'unkown' underground types in Beijing abimo_berlin <- foreign::read.dbf(paths$abimo_berlin) %>% dplyr::filter(KANAL == 1) share_vg_str <- colSums(abimo_berlin[, stringr::str_detect(names(abimo_berlin), "^VGSTRASSE"), drop = FALSE] * abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES /sum(abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES)) share_belag <- colSums(abimo_berlin[, stringr::str_detect(names(abimo_berlin), "^BELAG")] * abimo_berlin$FLGES /sum(abimo_berlin$FLGES)) share_belag <- share_belag*100/sum(share_belag) share_belag_str <- colSums(abimo_berlin[, stringr::str_detect(names(abimo_berlin), "^STR_BELAG")] * abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES /sum(abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES)) share_belag_str <- share_belag_str*100/sum(share_belag_str) share_kan <- colSums(abimo_berlin[, stringr::str_detect(names(abimo_berlin), "^KAN_")] * (abimo_berlin$FLGES+abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES) /sum(abimo_berlin$FLGES+abimo_berlin$STR_FLGES)) # % imperviousness streets abimo@data$VGSTRASSE <- share_vg_str #100 -> 90.0402 ## Decoupling from SWMM modelling: ## https://kwb-r.github.io/keys.lid/articles/scenarios.html#bioretention-cell ## scenario: 3.6mm.per.h_mulde_no-drainage # 40 % of street area (unsealed area used as bioretention-cell) #abimo@data$VGSTRASSE <- round(abimo@data$VGSTRASSE - 40*(57.2-15.2)/50,1) #56.4 # combi_high # 20 % of street area (unsealed area used as bioretention-cell) #abimo@data$VGSTRASSE <- round(abimo@data$VGSTRASSE - 20*(57.2-15.2)/50,1) #73.2 # combi_medium # 10 % of street area (unsealed area used as bioretention-cell) #abimo@data$VGSTRASSE <- round(abimo@data$VGSTRASSE - 10*(57.2-15.2)/50,1) #81.6 # combi_low # 5 % of street area (unsealed area used as bioretention-cell) #abimo@data$VGSTRASSE <- round(abimo@data$VGSTRASSE - 5*(57.2-15.2)/50,1) #85.8 # %cover types in other imperv. areas (PROVGU) abimo@data$BELAG1 <- share_belag[1] #100 -> 34.69844 abimo@data$BELAG2 <- share_belag[2] # 0 -> 48.03494 abimo@data$BELAG3 <- share_belag[3] # 0 -> 5.54433 abimo@data$BELAG4 <- share_belag[4] # 0 -> 11.72229 # %cover types in street areas abimo@data$STR_BELAG1 <- share_belag_str[1] #100 -> 51.344865 abimo@data$STR_BELAG2 <- share_belag_str[2] #0 -> 26.501014 abimo@data$STR_BELAG3 <- share_belag_str[3] #0 -> 14.497974 abimo@data$STR_BELAG4 <- share_belag_str[4] #0 -> 7.656147 # identifiers abimo@data$BEZIRK <- 1 abimo@data$STAGEB <- 1 abimo@data$BLOCK <- 1 abimo@data$TEILBLOCK <- 1 # NUTZUNG = 21 (mixed area I: residential, trade, services) # https://www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/umwelt/umweltatlas/download/goedecke_et_al_abimo2019_doku.pdf#page=15 abimo@data$NUTZUNG <- 21 # TYP = 38 (mixed area, mainly handicrafts and small businesses, with dense# # development) # https://www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de/umwelt/umweltatlas/download/goedecke_et_al_abimo2019_doku.pdf#page=22 abimo@data$TYP <- 38 # channelization degrees. based on data provided BEWG (2020-11-03) abimo@data$KANAL <- 1 abimo@data$KAN_BEB <- 80 abimo@data$KAN_VGU <- 80 abimo@data$KAN_STR <- 80 # soil field capacity (provided BEWG on 2020-11-03) and # groundwater level: 15m (email to MR on 2021-03-25 10:38 by Dr. Dong) abimo@data$FELD_30 <- 20 abimo@data$FELD_150 <- 20 abimo@data$FLUR <- 15 # compute annual and summer rainfall. # *** potential enhancement: *** # return the multiannual average annual rainfall. care must be taken to exclude # incomplete years from the average calculation. same for summer rainfall precipitation <- urbanAnnualRunoff::computeABIMOclimate( rawdir = paths$climate, file_inp = sprintf('raw_climateeng_precipitation_monthly_%s.txt', paths$site), file_out = 'precipitation.txt', summer_month_start = 4) # compute annual and summer ETP. this goes automatically into the # ABIMO config file by using kwb.abimo::abimo_xml_evap() evapotranspiration <- urbanAnnualRunoff::computeABIMOclimate( rawdir = paths$climate, file_inp = sprintf('raw_climateeng_etp_daily_%s.txt', paths$site), file_out = 'evapotranspiration.txt', summer_month_start = 4) ### Merge complete years (i.e. 2014-2019 for Beijing) ### mean rainfall: 492mm climate_data <- dplyr::inner_join(precipitation, evapotranspiration, by = "year", suffix = c(".p", ".etp")) %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::ends_with("p"), round)) #wet year 629mm (2018) #climate_data <- climate_data %>% dplyr::filter(year == "2018") #dry year 351mm (2019) #climate_data <- climate_data %>% dplyr::filter(year == "2019") # annual rainfall (this can be automatized by making 'computeABIMOclimate' # return the multiannual average annual rainfall. care must be taken to exclude # incomplete years from the average calculation) round_mean <- function(values) { round(mean(values), digits = 0) } ### Mean precipitation value for period 2014-2019 abimo@data$REGENJA <- round_mean(climate_data$sum_annual.p) abimo@data$REGENSO <- round_mean(climate_data$sum_summer.p) ### Mean evapotranspiration value for period 2014-2019 kwb.abimo::abimo_xml_evap( file_in = paths$abimo_config_original, file_out = paths$abimo_config_modified, evap_annual = round_mean(climate_data$sum_annual.etp), evap_summer = round_mean(climate_data$sum_summer.etp) ) ### Check modified ABIMO config.xml kwb.utils::hsOpenWindowsExplorer(paths$abimo_config_modified) # select required columns and write out new shapefile requiredCols <- c('CODE', 'BEZIRK', 'STAGEB', 'BLOCK', 'TEILBLOCK', 'NUTZUNG', 'TYP', 'FLGES', 'STR_FLGES', 'PROBAU', 'PROVGU', 'VGSTRASSE', 'BELAG1', 'BELAG2', 'BELAG3', 'BELAG4', 'STR_BELAG1', 'STR_BELAG2', 'STR_BELAG3', 'STR_BELAG4', 'KAN_BEB', 'KAN_VGU', 'KAN_STR', 'REGENJA', 'REGENSO', 'FELD_30', 'FELD_150', 'FLUR') abimo@data <- kwb.utils::selectColumns(abimo@data, columns = requiredCols) # format numbers to 0 decimal places (avoid 'pseudo-accuracy') #abimo@data[, 8:ncol(abimo@data)] <- round( # abimo@data[, 8:ncol(abimo@data)], # digits = 0) # change decimal separator to comma # (ABIMO does not run correctly otherwise) abimo@data <- as.data.frame(apply(X=apply(X=abimo@data, c(1, 2), FUN=as.character), c(1, 2), FUN=gsub, pattern="\\.", replacement=","), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # write ABIMO input table raster::shapefile(x=abimo, filename=paths$abimo_inp_shp, overwrite=TRUE) kwb.abimo::write.dbf.abimo(abimo, new_dbf = paths$abimo_inp_dbf) # run ABIMO manually in GUI ---------------------------------------------------- if(!fs::file_exists(paths$abimo_exe)) { stop(cat(sprintf("ABIMO executable does not exist: %s Please copy to this location", paths$abimo_exe))) } else { message(cat(sprintf("Run ABIMO executable manually: 1. Select input file: \"%s\" 2. Save it under: \"%s\"", abimo_inp_path, paths$abimo_out)) ) } kwb.utils::hsOpenWindowsExplorer(dirname(paths$abimo_exe)) # postprocessing ---------------------------------------------------------------- # post-process ABIMO output file -> join it with input shape file for # visualization in GIS scenario_results_beijing <- urbanAnnualRunoff::get_scenario_results(paths) scenario_results_beijing %>% dplyr::select(!tidyselect::all_of(c("abimo_inpout", "abimo_inpout_emissions"))) %>% openxlsx::write.xlsx(file = "res_tz.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) #usethis::use_data(scenario_results_beijing, overwrite = TRUE) } ``` ## Scenario Results Below is a summary table with the ABIMO water balance modelling results for the different `de-coupling` scenarios. Combining (`combi_xxx`) the different single measures, i.e. `bioretention cells` (for streets), `green roofs` (for sealed areas with buildings), and `permeable pavements` (for sealed areas without buildings/streets)) enables to satisfy the `VRR` (volume rainfall retended) goal defined for climate zone 3, i.e `0.75 >= VRR <= 0.85`. ```{r scenario_results, eval = TRUE} library(urbanAnnualRunoff) DT::datatable(urbanAnnualRunoff::scenario_results_beijing %>% dplyr::select(!tidyselect::all_of(c("abimo_inpout", "abimo_inpout_emissions")))) ```